We decided to jump right in and feature what is sure to be one of the more popular sets in this catalog. Because it spans all the seasons, it works whenever and wherever you are! We are an international group, so we span the seasons all the time 😊 We are featuring Colorful Seasons this time!
This set is a photopolymer, and it is available in English and French:
There is a coordinating die set:
And it is available in a bundle in English and French also!
All right, now it is time to start hopping!
- Ann Schach stampinchic.com
- Heidi Baks runningwscissorsstamper.blogspot.com
- Linda Callahan stampinseasons.blogspot.com
- Twila Davis stampalittlelonger.blogspot.com
- Bronwyn Eastley addinktivedesigns.com
- Dawn Tidd tiddbitsfromdawn.typepad.com
- Mickey Roberts paperconversation.com
- Karen Gooch inkersworkshop.com
- Rochelle Blok rochelleblok.blogspot.com
- Kelly Kent mypapercraftjourney.com
- Juana Ambida juanacreate.blogspot.com
- Valerie Moody stampingwithval.com
- Tanya Boser tinkerin-in-ink.blogspot.com
- Yapha Mason yaphamason.com
- Natalie Lapakko stampwitch.blog
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